business competition 意味

発音を聞く:   business competitionの例文
  • 商戦{しょうせん}


        competition in business:    商売{しょうばい}[ビジネス]上の競争{きょうそう}
        sports competition sponsored by a business enterprise:    sports competition sponsored by a business enterprise 冠大会 かんむりたいかい
        joint venture business applying to the present economic recession and fierce competition:    現在の景気後退と激しい競争に対処できる合弁事業
        as competition with:    ~に対抗{たいこう}して
        as if in competition:    張り合うように
        competition:    competition n. (1) 競争; 競争相手; 競争力. 【動詞+】 They carried on a spirited competition for the monthly sales record. 月間売り上げ記録を激しく競った We must do nothing that might curb market competition. 市場競争を
        in a competition:    《ゴルフ》コンペで
        in competition with:    ~と競争して
        no competition:    勝負にならない
        at business:    仕事中{しごとちゅう}で、出勤{しゅっきん}して、仕事{しごと}においては
        be not in the business of:     be nót in the búsiness of O …を目的とはしていない 《◆Oは通例doing》.
        be the business:     be the búsiness ((俗))とてもよい.
        business:     business n. 事務, 仕事, (用)件; 営業, 商売, 景気; 店, 事業, 会社; 取引, 注文; 職務; 権利; 議事; (漠然と)こと, 話. 【動詞+】 This conglomerate absorbed a lot of small businesses. このコングロマリットは多数の小企業を吸収合併した We can't accept any
        by business:    {名} :
        by-business:    {名} : 副業{ふくぎょう}、兼業{けんぎょう}


  1. "business communication system engineering co., ltd." 意味
  2. "business community" 意味
  3. "business community's" 意味
  4. "business company" 意味
  5. "business comparison" 意味
  6. "business competitiveness" 意味
  7. "business competitor" 意味
  8. "business complex" 意味
  9. "business computer" 意味
  10. "business company" 意味
  11. "business comparison" 意味
  12. "business competitiveness" 意味
  13. "business competitor" 意味

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